Caravan Park Association of Queensland

Caravan Park Association of Queensland (CPAQ)

The Caravan Parks Association of Queensland (CPAQ) is the peak industry body representing caravan parks in Queensland. Established in 1966, they provide a united and informed voice for the Queensalnd caravan parks industry.

As a professional, solution focused association, they encourage and support industry best practice across all areas of business by providing their members with leadership, support, networking, professional development, and promotional opportunities.

There are currently over 430 full and associate members of CPAQ, made up of caravan parks (catering for tourists and residents) and campgrounds large and small from all corners of the state, industry suppliers, tourism businesses, plus regional and local tourism organisations.  

As a proud Queensland-based industry supplier, we have been long-time active members of CPAQ and appreciate the opportunities we gain from networking with the industry at local divisional meetings and state conferences.

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