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Are You Paying Too Much For Your Reservation Management System?

Mitchel Wallenhoffer • June 18, 2024

Installing and operating a Reservation Management System is an essential for every business that accepts "bookings" - whatever they may be!

However, as operating costs continue to rise, business owners and managers need to evaluate that they are getting the most out of every expenditure, including their reservation management system. What factors need to be considered when evaluating the cost of your reservation management system?


Sure, a luxury car might be "top of the range" and be considered the best car on the market, but if you only need a car to go from A to B, is all you really need a Camry? The same goes for your reservation management system.

Some "top of the range" booking systems are designed for multiple industries and become overly complex. They might contain all the bells and whistles, and everything that opens and shuts, but do you really need all of those menus and modules?

If your business requirements are straightforward, are you paying for features you're never going to use? Are you paying for each terminal or user that needs access to the system? Could you use a smaller, more functional system best suited to your industry, giving you all the standard and advanced features you need, but is much cheaper?


While some might regard a reservation management system as simply somewhere to store your bookings, the reality is that your booking system can do (and should do) much more than that. A good booking system will generate more revenue for your business! How?

  1. Via Online bookings

All of our RezExpert clients reported that their booking volume and revenue increased anywhere between 20 - 50% once they enabled online bookings, and 75 - 90% of total bookings thereafter are received online, resulting in a huge office productivity gain. Having an active "Book Now" button on your website connected to your reservation management system will increase your staff productivity and business revenue!

2. Marketing Module

Your reservation management system should include an inbuilt marketing module that enables you to communicate with your guest or customer database. You have year's worth of customers contact details, they've given you permission to contact them - use it to increase your revenue!

Send marketing emails and text messages to your past and current customers advertising your upcoming events, season specials or any new attractions. Watch the increased bookings (and revenue) roll in!

3. Booking Fee

Introducing a small "Booking" fee onto any booking received can offset costs incurred from operating a reservation management system, making your booking system cost-neutral. Similar fees can be added for credit card transactions, further reducing your operating costs and negating any high commission fees.


Does your reservation management system provider give you training and operating resources to ALL your staff so they can confidently use the system correctly, and then follow that up with free help desk support when you need it?


Is this after sales support restricted or additionally charged? Do you deal with the same team who know you and your business, or is it a support person who treats you like a number and makes you explain your business process repeatedly?

RezExpert is one of the most cost-effective reservation management systems available. It will increase your revenue, is easy to use and will save you time via increased productivity and increased interactions with your customers. With included online booking interfaces and marketing tools that deliver efficiencies and revenue, our help desk offers all our clients the best free support in the industry!

For more information about RezExpert, call our team on (07) 4925 4400 or click on the "Get Started" button at the bottom of the page.

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