A good booking system will generate more revenue for your business! How?
1. Via Online bookings
All our RezExpert clients reported that their booking volume and revenue increased anywhere between 20 - 50% once they enabled online bookings on their website, and 75 - 90% of total bookings thereafter are received online, resulting in a huge office productivity gain. Having an active "Book Now" button on your website connected to your reservation management system will increase your staff productivity and business revenue!
2. Marketing Module
Your reservation management system should include an inbuilt marketing module that enables you to communicate with your customer database. You have years worth of customers contact details, they've given you permission to contact them - use it to increase your revenue!
Send marketing emails and text messages to your past and current customer list advertising your upcoming events, season specials or any new attractions. Watch the increased bookings (and revenue) roll in!
3. Booking Fee
Introducing a small "Booking" or "Administration" fee onto any booking received can offset any costs incurred from operating a reservation management system, making your booking system cost-neutral. Similar fees can be added for credit card transactions, further reducing your operating costs and negating any high commission fees.
4. Products
"Would you like fries with that?"
The upsell has long been a standard tactic in retail and sales to increase revenue, and you can do exactly the same thing for your reservations. Products and services you sell or provide, offer it as part of the online booking process. You can also apply this to any package deals you offer to guests. This simple act will also dramatically increase your revenue.
Your reservation management system can be so much more than just a static database or calendar, it can provide you with multiple revenue streams as well as create efficiencies in booking management.
Discuss how RezExpert’s reservation management system can do the same for your business by calling our team on (07) 4925 4400 or clicking “Get Started” at the bottom of the page.